Examination By Laws

Final Exams


  1. The final exams take place during the 16th week of the semester. The duration of the final exam will be two hours maximum.
  2. No tests or examinations may be given on any of the seven calendar days that precede the first day of final examinations, except for practical exams, English Language placement tests, and discussion of graduation projects.
  3. In the summer session, the final examination period consists of the last three scheduled days of the session.
  4. Students who are scheduled for more than two examinations on the same day are entitled to reschedule one of the exams and take it on another day during the final examination period.
  5. A student can request to review his/ her final exam grades within 5 days after the announcement of the results.




According to academic institutions, plagiarism can be defined as the copying or paragraphing of other people’s work or ideas into one’s own work without full acknowledgment. All published and unpublished material, whether in projects, assignments or manuscripts, in print or electronic forms are covered under this definition. Collusion is another form of plagiarism involving the unauthorized collaboration of students (or others) in a piece of work.


Cheating Penalties


If a student is found cheating or attempts to cheat in a quiz, midterm exam, final exam, research, term paper, project, and/or any other coursework, the following penalties are applicable:

  • The student will fail all courses in which he/she has enrolled during the semester in which he/she was found cheating.
  • A disciplinary warning will be added to his/her file.



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